Recipes — Slow-cooked

Recipe : Coq au Vin
Rich and brimming with flavor, coq au vin is a classic French stew of chicken braised in red wine.

Recipe : Boneless Lamb Shoulder Roast with Potatoes and Feta
This boneless lamb shoulder is full of fresh flavours and the answer to one pot cooking.

Recipe : Mexican Chilli con Carne
Servings: 4 Ingredients 750g diced beef from Hudson Meats 2 cloves Bellingen garlic from Hudson Meats minced 1 jar tomato sauce from Hudson Meats 500ml chicken stock from Hudson Meats 4 tbsp Gran Luchito Salsa Fire Roasted Red Pepper 2 tbsp olive oil 840g black beans (canned version drained) 1 onion finely diced 1 red pepper diced 2 tsp smoked paprika 1 tsp dried oregano 2 tsp cumin 1 tsp chilli powder 1 tsp chilli flakes 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper Yoghurt and tortillas to serve with Method Add olive oil to a deep pan on medium heat. Add...
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