Recipe : Pavlova

250g strawberries 
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 
1/2  tbsp brown sugar 
1/2 tsp vanilla essence 
300ml thickened cream
2 tbsp icing sugar 
Pashmak from Hudson Meats
Pavlova from Hudson Meats

  1. Pour balsamic vinegar to a pan over medium heat. Turn down the heat after the vinegar boils and simmer till the vinegar reduces. Add strawberries, brown sugar and vanilla essence. Cook for 4-5 minutes. Set aside to cool. 

  2. Add icing sugar to thickened cream and whip until it is thick enough to hold peaks. 

  3. To assemble, fill center of pavlova with cream.  Cover cream with balsamic strawberry sauce and top off with pashmak.

  4. Serve immediately and enjoy!


Recipe by Sarah Ahmed : @nourish.glow.repeat

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