Recipe : Frittata


6 Holbrook Paddock eggs from Hudson Meats
250g Meredith Goat cheese from Hudson Meats
2 cloves garlic thinly sliced
Half leek finely chopped
1 zucchini thinly sliced into ribbons
1 tsp fresh dill finely chopped
1 tsp fresh chives finely chopped
1 tsp red pepper flakes
¼ cup milk of choice



  1. Whisk 6 eggs in a large mixing bowl. Add chives, dill, milk and whisk again.
  2. Add goat cheese(excluding the oil) to the bowl and whisk lightly(to leave a few chunks of cheese)
  3. Pre-heat oven to 175C.
  4. Heat an oven safe pan on medium high. Add 2 tbsp oil from the Jar of goat cheese.
  5. Add garlic, leek and red pepper flakes and cook till fragrant. Add zucchini and cook until slightly browned.
  6. Grease the pan and pour in the egg mixture. Mix to combine all ingredients.
  7. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.
  8. When serving, top with sour cream or goat cheese and fresh dill.


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