Katie Swift Cordials
Katie Swift Cordials are handcrafted cordials, made in Sydney, Australia.
Katie Swift Cordials are natural Cordials, they contain no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
All the flavours are based on one natural cordial recipe, which was passed down to Katie by her aunt Patti, the original recipe was developed by Patti to work through an abundant crop of lemons every citrus season.
Wherever possible, fruit is sourced close to home base in Sydney. Lemons, Limes and Tangelos from Sommersby, Lemons from Middle Dural and Seville Oranges from Lake Munmora. Katie goes to the orchards in the winter when the trees are bountiful, and picks, juices and freezes for the year ahead. Because of the seasonal nature of the produce used, not all flavours are available all the time.
Use Katie Swift Cordials for a smashing all natural soft drink with sparkling water, or for a cracking cocktail with any number of spirited partners.